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Kellie Rixon MBE

Owner, Rixon Associates

  • What was your favourite subject at school?

Drama, clearly drama has followed me all my life, I also loved English literature and language

  • What was your first job?

My Dad was a milkman so helping him and collecting the cash. He let me add up everyone’s bills at the end of the week and would incentives me for every page I got right (I never made any mistakes so it got expensive for him)

  • Which is your favourite restaurant /hotel?

Favorite restaurant is in the world is in Paris by Alain Ducasse called Champeaux. Its’ not fancy or posh just amazing cheese souffle (in fact I have the apricot for dessert too). My favourite hotel will always be Cameron House. Too many amazing memories there.

  • How do you inspire your team

For me it’s a number of things. Always having their back. The old saying of praise in public and criticize in private is important to me. I try and be an expert in what I’m talking about so continuous development is vital. You want to be able to know the right answer, Finally its about listening. It’s a totally underutilized skill. Most people just want to give the answer and the best way to get the best out of others in my book is by giving them an opportunity to get it right first. I hate it when it happens to me.

  • Which person in hospitality have you most admired / inspired you?

I’m lucky enough to have worked with some legends in the industry including the wonderful Stephen Carter. I’m so grateful for his counsel, advise and most importantly friendship. He’s my work Dad. He tells me when I get it right and tells me when I get it wrong. Mostly he’s taught me about the importance of real hospitality.

  • How do you manage your stress levels?

I’ve found the secret and for me its called Zumba. I love it. My husband calls it old lady Zumba but I don’t care. It’s joyous. I would go everyday. I also love walking my dogs, reading and laughing a lot with the people I love. For me being surrounded by family and friends ALWAYS makes me happy.

  • Instagram, Twitter or Facebook – and why?

I’m so old school so I’m still a Facebook girl but I’m working on getting better. Social media gets a bad rep but when my son had a terrible accident 10 years ago my social media friends turned into a wonderful support network. We were constantly inundated with messages of love and support. It was great to know you are not alone in those situations.

  • If you had not gone into hospitality, where do you
    think you would be now?

A teacher, I think. Teaching drama in some Willie Russel style inner city school production of Hamlet (on ice).

  • What did you do on your last days off?

Travel. I’m lucky to have a motorhome to get out and explore life in. I love being somewhere new and finding places to eat amazing food and drink great wine.

  • What do you do to relax, to support your wellbeing?

Talk to people. Since our accident I have been so lucky to have had access to an amazing counsellor who has literally held me up over the years. I’m a huge advocate for talking openly about our mental health. Having suffered PTSD for years I have had firsthand experience of how important to have someone who will listen. Well, that and an amazing group of crazy Scottish pals who take me out for a drink when I need it.