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Lynn Hood

COO, Focus Hotels

  • What was your favourite subject at school? Drama
  • What was your first job? My first job out of college was with Disney in Florida as part of the Cultural exchange program. Truly amazing!!
  • Which is your favourite restaurant /hotel? San Souci, in the beautiful city of Vienna. Stylish and understated, blending old with new, with a fabulous spa, excellent restaurant and superb service!
  • How do you inspire your team – encouraging them to do things, even the small things, to the very best of their ability.
  • Which person in hospitality have you most admired / inspired you? I was lucky enough to work during Michael Eisner’s time at Walt Disney World and he was responsible for revitalizing the Disney theme park experience. The level of employee development together with the hospitality ethos and customer care approach has remained with me throughout my career and has become a reference in everything I have done since.
  • Instagram, Twitter or Facebook – and why? Oh, really do I have to – can I say none? Facebook is possibly the one I use most in business and has more of a direct response.
  • If you had not gone into hospitality, where do you think you would be now? I really wanted to go into the world of acting and spent some time in TV and on the stage as a youngster. So, by now I would be on the red carpet in Hollywood (dreaming big here!!)
  • What did you do on your last days off? Spent half term at the Magical Warner Bros World of Harry Potter with my fanatical children, Florence and Johnnie and then shopping with my daughter in London for her first proper shopping experience!
  • What do you do to relax, to support your wellbeing? Playing Bridge is my newest hobby and is just such a world away from work, spending time with my family and walking my dog Cooper are my ways to relax.