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Narinder Singh Baryah

MD, WonderWorld Group

  • What was your favourite subject at school? I loved learning about how geography directly impacts on countries natural resources and in turn, their economies.
  • What was your first job? Trainee Solicitor was my first official job. But in reality, it was working unpaid in my dad’s shop.
  • Which is your favourite restaurant /hotel? ORO, Kilmarnock road, Glasgow. Great food, nothing overly complicated and really well executed all the time.
  • How do you inspire your team I try to lead by example and would have a shot at most things. I’m also a big believer in being transparent and open with all our staff.
  • Which person in hospitality have you most admired / inspired you? Robert Kyle – RAD Hotels. Robert is someone who has built a significant hotel empire from sheer determination, hard work and excellent commercial acumen. Most of the time, I see him with his steel toe capped boots on, getting stuck in.
  • How do you manage your stress levels? I remember to spend time with my family and try to make sure I don’t let work overtake my time with the kids. In between, I try and run a little and play the odd game of football.
  • Instagram, Twitter or Facebook – and why? Probably Face Book as I find it less fiddly – but I am a dinosaur.
  • If you had not gone into hospitality, where do you think you would be now? I’m pretty sure I would still have been in financial services. Hopefully I would have made some good progress, but if it doesn’t work out for me in hospitality, I’m sure I can get back into finance.
  • What did you do on your last days off? Last day what?? I had a 3 week holiday in October where I went to India to spend some time with family. Was very much needed.
  • What do you do to relax, to support your wellbeing? Swear at people underneath my breath and then try and listen to some relaxing music!