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Hans Rissmann

Director Rissco collection - Strathaven Hotel

  • What was your favourite subject at school?

All sports were enjoyable for me, so PE would have been my favorite. If Hotels would not have worked for me, a job as a PE Teacher would have been appealing.

  • What was your first job?

I had a Sunday paper round, Sunday inserts/supplements were massive in those days and added a lot of weight to my bag. I enjoyed it when there was snow so I could use my sledge to help take the load. My first job in a hotel was to separate the used bottles from bars back into crates in the cellar, I still remember the smell.

  • Which is your favourite restaurant /hotel?

I really struggle to answer this question as I don’t think I have an outright favorite. For me it depends on the company and the situation as to why I am there. I had an amazing stay and experience in a simple B&B in Tipperary for a friend’s wedding but if you held me to ransom, I think Gleneagles is hard to beat.

  • How do you inspire your team

I know during my learning years that some people never got the most out of me because of how they would approach certain situations. So, for me I tend to take this approach with people to get the right results and hope that they will respect this and be motivated by being respectful. Our industry has so many inspiring stories and opportunities so creating awareness, involving, and sharing is key.

  • Which person in hospitality have you most admired / inspired you?

I have been very fortunate to work with so many great people and could name lots. I love to be inspired not just from superiors, I appreciate seeing people doing a great job from the bottom up. Witnessing people take pride and loving their role, that inspires me a lot.  My father needs to be credited by inspiring me into the industry and not scaring me away! He achieved a lot in his career and I really admire his contribution.

  • How do you manage your stress levels?

I’m not sure I manage this particularly well, but I do try to keep things in prospective as much as I can, we should really enjoy ourselves more and I try not to take myself too seriously. Down time is nice so spending time with the family, friends and on the golf course helps.

  • Instagram, Twitter or Facebook – and why?

I am not a big fan of social media, but I respect it for marketing purposes. I use Instagram for creative ideas and the odd golf tip.

  • If you had not gone into hospitality, where do you
    think you would be now?

Not sitting in my own hotel. I am really not sure, I don’t think my career as a PE teacher would have been enough for me so I would like to think I would have found a niche in something entrepreneurial.

  • What did you do on your last days off?

We took the opportunity for a city break in Liverpool with my wife and children on the back of visiting some family down that way.

  • What do you do to relax, to support your wellbeing?

Keep things in perspective, we are not brain surgeons and no one’s life is at stake, try to enjoy it more. I feel very fortunate to have experienced some incredible things through this trade. It is important to have down time, so I try to plan a few events to look forward to.